The May Court Club of London could not do what we do without the funds we raise annually. All money raised remain in London and helps feed and nourish hope in children. Over the last 20 years – The May Court Club of London has raised and distributed over $2M to the London community.
Donations over $20 receive tax receipts.
Make a donation by PayPal
Click on the PayPal button and use your Credit Card or your Visa/Mastercard Debit card.
Donate by E-Transfer
To make an e-transfer donation to the May Court Club of London please fill in the Online E-transfer Information Form and then use your bank’s e-transfer application to transfer the funds to
Donate by Cheque
You may choose a specific area of May Court Club of London that you wish to donate to, such as: Where Most Needed, Mental Health, Nutrition Program, The May Court Shop, or In Memory Of. Please be sure to indicate your choice of support on your cheque.
Make cheque payable to:
The May Court Club of London
Mailing Address:
Attention: Treasurer
The May Court Club of London
P.O. Box 24096, London, ON N6H 5C4
We would like to acknowledge your support by listing your name in annual reports, this website and other published means developed from time to time. If you agree, please fill out the Online Donation Acknowledgement Agreement Form to indicate your wishes in this regard.
If you would like to discuss other ways of donating and supporting The May Court Club of London, please email: or call 519-439-4811 and we will have the appropriate May Court member contact you to discuss.